Cañada College, Kinesiology & Wellness Building

How do you provide an educational facility that doubles as a community gathering space

City of South San Francisco, Library, Parks & Recreation Center

How do you design a building on a narrow strip of land confined by a state highway, BART and PG&E tunnels, and create a new civic heart for a burgeoning city?

City of South San Francisco, Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center

South San Francisco, California

LinkedIn, Middlefield Campus

How do you design a dynamic modern campus prioritizing access to outdoor space and natural light for every floor of every building?

UCSF, Wayne & Gladys Valley Center for Vision

How do you achieve enhanced seismic performance at no added cost?
people listening a speech

calendar iconSep 03, 2024

UC Berkeley’s new mass timber building tops out

Forell Elsesser played a pivotal role as the structural engineering lead for UC Berkeley’s new Undergraduate Academic Building, utilizing advanced mass timber techniques to create a sustainable, resilient structure.

people listening a speech

calendar iconMay 25, 2024

UC Davis, Teaching & Learning Complex Earns DBIA Award

We are thrilled to announce that the Teaching & Learning Center at UC Davis has received the Distinction and Design Excellence Award at the 2024 Design Build Institute of America (DBIA) Western Pacific Region (WPR) awards.

people listening a speech

calendar iconMay 08, 2023

Sustainable Design Strategies

Embodied carbon reducing design strategies have always been a core design principle at Forell Elsesser.

people listening a speech

calendar iconJun 21, 2024

We are thrilled with our JUST label achievement!

This process was crucial in raising awareness and sharpening our focus on social equity. We’re confident we’ll continue to grow with the JUST framework!

people listening a speech

calendar iconJun 20, 2024

CSU Maritime Academy, Mayo Hall Wins DBIA Award!

We’re excited to share that Mayo Hall at CSU Maritime Academy has been honored with the Innovation Award at the 2024 DBIA-WPR Awards! Mayo Hall has transformed a former gymnasium into a vibrant student union, serving as a central hub for the university campus.



Structural Engineering

Forell | Elsesser Engineers is an award-winning structural and earthquake engineering firm

Peer Review

As experienced peer reviewers, we know that the role of the reviewer may require as much f

Plan Checking Services

We provide a wide array of plan checking services for many clients including the Division

Value Engineering

We continually focus on the most efficient way to provide safe and constructible solutions

Non-Ductile Concrete Structures

Forell | Elsesser helps building owners navigate seismic compliance for non-ductile concre

Constructability Review

At Forell | Elsesser, we pride ourselves on structural design that is efficient and easily

Project Map

Zoom in or click to find Forell | Elsesser projects and links to project information.