

Helping Our Clients Achieve Their Sustainability Goals

Sustainable Material Selection: We prioritize the use of sustainable materials to minimize the environmental footprint of our projects. This includes utilizing high cement replacement concrete mixes, Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), and CarbonCure technology. By integrating these eco-friendly materials into our designs, we not only reduce carbon emissions but also contribute to a more sustainable built environment.

Resilient Structural Engineering Design: We prioritize resilience in our structural designs to ensure high performance and minimize embodied carbon. By implementing robust engineering solutions, we not only enhance the durability of structures but also reduce the necessity for post-earthquake repairs. This proactive approach not only strengthens buildings against seismic events but also contributes to a more sustainable and resilient built environment.

Energy Efficient Design Strategies: Our energy-efficient design strategies are pivotal in achieving your sustainability objectives. By prioritizing energy conservation and optimization, we not only reduce environmental impact but also enhance operational efficiency and cost savings for your project.

Adaptive Reuse Strategies: By focusing on adaptive reuse, we revitalize existing structures, which helps cut down on material consumption and construction waste.

Cost Control Strategies: We also specialize in cost-control strategies, enabling you to make informed decisions that meet your objectives. This approach ensures our solutions are both environmentally sound and economically practical.

Leading the Charge Toward a Sustainable Future.

We’re proud to be part of the SE 2050 Commitment Program, an industry-wide initiative with the goal of achieving net-zero embodied carbon in structural systems by 2050. Given that the built environment accounts for 40% of global carbon emissions, this effort represents a major step in combating climate change.

To meet the SE 2050 challenge and our own sustainability targets, we employ a variety of strategies to monitor and reduce the environmental impact of our designs. This involves integrating greenhouse gas emission targets into our design process through Life Cycle Assessment techniques and frequently updating our specifications to stay current with the latest sustainable materials. Additionally, we emphasize retrofitting and rehabilitating structures when possible, creatively addressing resilience, and promoting energy-efficient designs. This multi-faceted approach is crucial to achieving our sustainability goals and supporting a greener future for the architecture and construction industry.

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