
Office Conversions

How have commercial offices changed?

With expiring office leases and high interest rates, building owners and developers are looking for creative solutions to promote greater building occupancy . Commercial office vacancies have reached a 30 year high at around 18% nationally. San Francisco, which has been even more adversely affected by hybrid work patterns compared to other cities, has a vacancy rate over 35%. Commercial office-to-residential conversions are one way owners can increase the long term value of assets impacted by the reduced occupancy of post-pandemic office spaces.

Sustainable Design Strategies for Office Conversions.

By studying life cycle analyses on many of our past and current projects, we have confirmed that retrofitting and renovating buildings is more environmentally friendly than demolishing and constructing a new building, greatly reducing the carbon footprint. By upgrading buildings as part of an adaptive re-use project, we can ensure the carbon used in the construction of the original building will continue to be of service for many more decades.