This large tenant improvement project included structural engineering analysis and design for the complete remodel of the headquarters for one of the oldest companies in the Bay Area.
Customized Solution
- Large in scale, the tenant improvements for this project covered almost all 350,000 s.f. of the office building. Structural scope included support and anchorage for retail and display kiosks, floor strengthening, new light gage metal office partitions, and floor support for a condensed filing system, among other improvements.
- One of the biggest efforts included the addition of new stairs from the 5th to 6th floor, which required cutting a hole into the existing floor to build a stair within the office space. Flexibility was essential to the project’s success, as the team worked with various unforeseen conditions and a phased construction schedule due to continued tenant occupancy.

- Architect: Anderson Architects/BAR Architects
- Owner: Levi Strauss & Co.
- Hole cut into floors for construction of new staircase
- Occupied during construction


Allen Nudel
Director of Business Strategy